This page has more info about me, how to contact me and some useful links. More to be added. Probably.
Who is Cortop?
Just some pal who makes stuff. Jay "Cortop" was born during the year of our lord, Sonic the Hedgehog, in 1991. I have made amature art, music, boardgames, comics, videos- you name it. These past few years, I've been making video games! I completed my first game last year and I'm working on a new one, at the moment.
How can I contact you?
The best way to contact me is by my email: rpgsace@gmail.com but you can also try my twitter at @trafflesby. I may take me a few days to reply to either, but I'll be happy to read any comments, bug reports, praise or abuse you might send my way.
Some of my games require the RPG Maker Run Time Package to function. If a game was made in VX Ace, it will need the appropriate RTP. You can download them from here:
or here:
Website and games by Jay "Cortop" (2016)